Questions & Answers

We have provided a list of commonly asked questions. If you can’t find an answer to your question please get in touch with us via our online form or by email to

does my wine get delivered to my rugby club?

No, your wine is delivered directly to you at home on a next day basis (as long as you order before 12 noon).  Delivery is free if you order two cases or more or if you take out a subscription.

Can I have the wine delivered to my home?

Yes you can and it’s free if you order two or more cases of wine at the same time.

How much does my club make from this?

Your club receives £6 from the profit on each case of 6 bottles that you buy from TRWC.  Our Club Subscription is just £25 per month to receive a case quarterly and then there are further subscriptions for bi-monthly and monthly deliveries at a price that hopefully suits your pocket so you can start to help your club regularly.

How can I learn more about the wines?

On our website there are short tasting notes and videos from Mike and Gabriel Cuisset, our wonderful innovative wine maker from Chateau Grinou in the Dordogne, France.  There are also longer videos if you want to learn more, the choice is yours. You can go straight to the video notes from your mobile or tablet by scanning the QR code on the back label of each bottle of wine!  We plan to run trips to the vineyards for you to meet the winemakers in 2023 if you want to learn a lot more.  Watch the website for more information.

What if I run out and need wine before the next delivery?

We hold stock so please order online or drop us an email to or to help you out.  If you are having a party, wedding, club dinner or ball and need lots of wine please contact us, order early and we can sort it out on a wholesale basis and also on a sale or return basis.  We can also provide a free auction item such as a bottle of wine signed by Mike if you ask really nicely…

Can I change my subscription?

 Yes you can.  Our subscriptions are designed to provide what you need (red, white, rose, bubbles or a mixture and monthly, bi-monthly and quarterly) but if you do need to change then please get in touch.  Alternatively, you can order additional wine on a one-off basis at any time to supplement your subscription and this may be easier.  Please email us using or to get in touch.

Will you have new wines?

Yes we have already added three more wines to the three wines we launched with and we have plenty of plans to offer more wines from across Europe, but they will all be organic, innovative and new to the UK market.  We aim to keep you excited by our growing range of exclusive wines.

How will I know about wine tastings at my club?

All events will be listed on this website and also will be publicised by your Club Champion. We will also be attending other clubs in your area as well as rugby related events and Mike’s charity events.  Please keep an eye on our events page as well as Twitter page to see when and where you can catch up with us.  You can also contact your Club Champion who will know when we are next visiting your club.

Which rugby clubs are already partnered with The Rugby Wine Club?

Please see our Club page for information on all the clubs and charities that we are partnered with.  If your club is not a partner you can still buy and nominate your club at checkout so that they receive the funding from your order.

Why do you only sell organic wines?

It’s all about grass roots!  The best way to help is the greenest way and less of the nasties is good for the planet, good for your club and good for you!  We have been drinking these wines for over a decade and we think they taste great and don’t seem to induce head injuries the next day, so fewer HIAs  (hangovers in attendance).

The Rugby Wine Club is a new concept

It is completely free to join The Rugby Wine Club and to start to enjoy our wines and help your rugby club. There is no obligation to buy wines and you benefit from access to additional tasting notes, offers and information.

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The Rugby Wine Club